How to earn money on picoworkers website

How to earn money on picoworkers website

In this article, we will give you some tips on how to earn money on picoworkers website and how to start earning money from it.

First, you should create an account. Then, you should add your profile picture.The best way to upload your profile picture is to use a free photo editor. You can find many of them online.  Just go to your desktop and open the folder with the photos that you want to use. Choose the one that you like and upload it to picoworkers website.

Earn money on picoworkers

You will be able to earn money from the pictures that you have uploaded. You will get a small commission for each picture that you have uploaded.

The first thing that you need to do is to register on the site. The registration process is very simple and takes less than five minutes.

How to start earning money from picoworkers website

Once you have registered on the site, you will get access to your profile. In your profile, you will be asked to fill out some information about yourself and your work. Make sure that you provide all the information correctly so that you can get a high profile.

Your profile will be shown in a grid format, which will allow you to see the pictures that you have uploaded. You can edit your profile any time that you want. This will help you to get more visitors to your profile. When you want to change anything about your profile, click the pencil icon that is at the top right corner of your screen.


  • To withdraw money on your account follow these steps
  • You should login on your account and go to your transactions page
  • Choose withdrawal option of you account which is your account type
  • Enter the amount of money you want to withdraw
  • Enter the reference number of your transaction
  • Click withdraw button
  • Now you can withdraw money on your account

Do you have more money than you expected? Then you can deposit money to your account to add more money in your account. If you do this then you will withdraw more money from your account.

How to sign up account on picoworkers?

You can create a new account on picoworkers by following these


Go to Download  and click on “Register”.


Fill out the form with your personal information, account type and password.

Click on the “Create Account” button and follow

Once you have registered, you can now access your account to deposit money into it.

You can withdraw money from your account by entering the amount of money that you would like to withdraw.

Your account information will appear on your picoworkers profile.